
Sunday, November 7, 2010

What sugar flower should I make?

That is always the hard decision for me because I want to make so many. I don't like to make just one of a flower and it sometimes takes a few to get them to look just like I want them. Although I have books I look at for many of the flowers, I do like to tweek them a bit. Then, I forget to write down what I did for the next time. I don't write the colors down I use either because I like them to be just a bit different each time. So, now I have been thinking of making the Cherry Blossom, Sweet Peas, or another Orchid. Since Christmas is coming I am wondering if I should make some Christmas flowers. Maybe I can find a shop in the mall who will let me display them. I really won't know what sugar flower I will make until I start, since being artistic I never stick to my plans.. it will be a surprise what I post..

1 comment:

  1. My best wishes for your success!!
    You are very talented so you can make any flowers as you like!!
    May the force be with you!! (I'm a "Star Wars" fan)
